FiPL Funded Projects A-Z

Browse our FiPL funded projects to see and get involved with some of the fantastic work that is being done across Cornwall’s protected landscape by our dedicated farmers and land…

Browse our FiPL funded projects to see and get involved with some of the fantastic work that is being done across Cornwall’s protected landscape by our dedicated farmers and land managers


Ardevora Farm #1:

Town: Tregony
Total Project Cost: £7,443.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £399.05
Start Date: May 2022 | End Date: March 2024

FiPL helped fund the conversion of an area of improved pasture, with very limited biodiversity, into an area rich in diverse flora and associated biodiversity.

Ardevora Farm #2:

Town: Tregony
Total Project Cost: £6, 813.38
FiPL Grant Awarded: £6,194.18
Start Date: August 2022 | End Date: March 2024

FiPL is funding a conversion of ‘semi-improved pasture’ to species-rich grassland. The ground will be seeded with a suitable mix of wildflowers and non-dominating grasses with the hope to improve invertebrate life and improve carbon sequestration.


Town: Camborne
Total Project Cost: £38, 156.15
FiPL Grant Awarded: £38, 156.15
Start Date: February 2024 | End Date: March 2025

FiPL has funded the first desk-based study on the alternatives to soya feedstock in the pig and poultry industry. This project will help Cornish pig and poultry farmers to transition towards a more sustainable and resilient feedstock. In addition, this project aims to deliver dynamic events such as ‘world cafe discussions’ encouraging participants to share perspectives and expertise.



Town: Lerryn
Total Project Cost: £5, 610.72
FiPL Grant Awarded: £5, 496. 36
Start Date: August 2024 | End Date: March 2025

Through DEFRAs Access Fund FiPL has awarded a grant to allow Bareppa to host activity sessions in Section 10 for those that are isolated, lonely, young carers or in mental health crises. The activities will allow participants to get out and hands on in the landscape through tree planting, harvesting, bird box building and animal therapy.

Contact the FiPL Team directly for more information on upcoming sessions.

Beach Guardians:

Town: Padstow
Total Project Cost: £23, 806.52
FiPL Grant Awarded: £23, 806.52
Start Date: March 2023 | End Date: March 2024

FiPL is funding a project which aims to conserve and enhance sand dune complexes across three dune sites at Constantine, Treyarnon Bay and Porthcothan Bay on the North Cornwall Coast. Work on the dunes needs to be structured and planned in order to balance the need to improve the ecological habitats on the dunes, with the need to stabilise them to ensure their survival and resilience to storms and changing weather. FiPL funding is going towards education events, supporting school in travelling to the dunes, equipment for the education events and towards volunteer training and equipment.

Bee Mindful:

Town: Maker
Total Project Cost: £6, 574.71
FiPL Grant Awarded: £4,999.71
Start Date: November 2022 | End Date: January 2023

Delivery of a pilot Bee Mindful space, delivered through conservation volunteering that benefits, pollinators and the wellbeing of the participants. The volunteers will deliver conservation tasks and attend mindful activities that will improve their health and wellbeing, and co-design site signage and display materials to promote the project and the reflective space to the circa. 33k visitors a year that come to Maker Heights.

Bodrugan Farm:

Town: St Austell
Total Project Cost: £9,640.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £9,640.00
Start Date: March 2024 | End Date: June 2024

Bodrugan Barn has been selected to apply for 2nd stage funding through the HBRG grant. To be able to make this application a full project brief and management plan is required to set out the work scope and generate a specification of works that contractors can quote against. This application is a facilitation proposal that allows us to pull this project together.

Bosavern Community Farm:

Town: West Penwith
Total Project Cost: £55, 389.04
FiPL Grant Awarded: £46, 840.87
Start Date: November 2023 | End Date: march 2025

This project will secure the future viability of Bosavern by safeguarding the sustainable production of eggs and associated income for the next decade and by providing the staffing and support resources necessary to deliver a seasonal programme of food and land-based events and activities, firmly established Bosavern as an Eco-Hub for Penwith.

Volunteer Opportunities Available

Boscarnon Farm:

Town: Helston
Total Project Cost: £25, 776.76
FiPL Grant Awarded: £21, 192.76
Start Date: April 2023 | End Date: July 2023

FiPL is supporting the purchase of a livestock trailer to unlock more grazing for his cattle and access new sites e.g.150 acres (63Ha) at North Goonhilly which is currently not grazed due to poor access. It will increase business efficiency and resilience and less reliance on other hauliers. Grazing cattle on previously ungrazed areas will prevent ingress of unwanted scrub, will increase soil organic matter, be better for water retention and climate resilience and well as increasing
carbon sequestration. Buy Boscarnon Grass Fed Beef!

Bosence Farm:

Town: Penzance
Total Project Cost: £5,968.43
FiPL Grant Awarded: £5,968.43
Start Date: November 2022 | End Date: March 2023

FiPL has funded this applicant to stock proof and provide drinking water across 5 fields of diverse deep-rooted leys at Bosence Farm, a beef farm, to enable time restricted grazing on these parcels. The outcome will allow the farm to manage the diverse leys in these fields for 5-10 years extending the life of the herbal leys before re-sowing. The improved infrastructure will allow them to continue to test, explore and improve their knowledge of grazing management of diverse leys.

Boskenna Farm:

Town: Penzance
Total Project Cost: £21, 330.72
FiPL Grant Awarded: £11,244.58
Start Date: June 2022 | End Date: March 2023

FiPL has helped fund an increase in farm Soil organic matter (Carbon) storage and farm biodiversity by means of reduced tillage, use of cover crops/herb rich swards and mitigation of compaction from livestock.

Bruggan Farm:

Town: Helston
Total Project Cost: £12, 069.06
FiPL Grant Awarded: £12, 069.06
Start Date: October 2022 | End Date: March 2024

FiPL is funding the creation of a new open water habitat which will provide (as advised by consultants) c. 1200 square metres of new ponds. It will also include flood attenuation measures such as wooden dams to help slow the flow of water in an area prone to flooding.


Cabilla Cornwall:

Town: Bodmin
Total Project Cost: £106,965.87
FiPL Grant Awarded: £100,932.99
Start Date: October 2021 | End Date: March 2024

FiPL has helped fund the transformation of species poor permanent pasture into native woodland and species rich grassland creating a naturalistic landscape using permaculture and rewilding approaches.

Carnglaze Farm:

Town: Penzance
Total Project Cost: £15, 073.19
FiPL Grant Awarded: £12, 058.55
Start Date: January 2023 | End Date: March 2023

The applicant enables delivery of Countryside Stewardship agreements and other conservation projects on high nature value sites, providing essential management for a large area of land where the clients would otherwise fail or struggle to do so themselves using their herd of of Pedigree Whitebred Shorthorn cattle and Pedigree Dartmoor Ponies. FiPL is funding an off-road trailer facilitating an easier delivery and collection of livestock as well as funding for solar energisers to connect to existing electric fencing infrastructure to facilitate conservation grazing by protecting weak boundaries, separating livestock and funnelling livestock to the trailer for collection.

Castle Dewey:

Town: Bodmin
Total Project Cost: £10, 873.09
FiPL Grant Awarded: £10, 335.19
Start Date: June 2022 | End Date: March 2023

FiPL has helped fund tree protection, bracken control, fencing and access for walkers so they can avoid a very busy road.

Chapel Carn Brea:

Town: Penzance
Total Project Cost: £10, 910.66
FiPL Grant Awarded: £10, 910.66
Start Date: February 2023 | End Date: March 2023

The applicant seeks funding to fence a grassland field on the south side of Chapel Carn Brea, a very prominent hill and lookout in West Penwith near Lands’ End. The applicant acquired the field several years ago and is dedicated to sensitive nature restoration on his holding. Over the years he has created a haven for nature whist very aware of maintaining the landscape character of West Penwith. This field is in danger of being overgrown by bracken and brambles and has consulted a local grazier who is willing to graze the area with native breeds if it can be securely fenced.

Colquite Farm:

Town: Bodmin
Total Project Cost: £3,250.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £3,250.00
Start Date: October 2022 | End Date: March 2023

FiPL has funded a specialist survey which will produce a plan to restore a damaged peat marsh and habitat to a healthy ecosystem while supporting nature, farming and people. The plan will outline how the wetland can retain water and carbon capture while creating protection for tree and peat marsh flora and while slowing water runoff into the Fowey river.

The Cornish Seaweed Company:

Town: Helston
Total Project Cost: £16, 738.33
FiPL Grant Awarded: £11, 353.88
Start Date: January 2023 | End Date: March 2023

The Cornish Seaweed Company is the first English business to establish a seaweed farm, growing native sugar kelp, off the shore of Porthallow. The aim of this project is to allow the business to continue to grow and develop by providing a sustainable seaweed supply. FiPL is helping to fund a heavy-duty workboat, outboard engine and trailer. In the long term the project hopes to become a blueprint for sustainable seaweed farms as well as become a test site for future research.

Cornwall Birders (CBWPS):

Town: Across Cornwall (mainly North Cornwall)
Total Project Cost: £4, 465.55
FiPL Grant Awarded: £4, 465.55
Start Date: February 2023 | End Date: March 2024

FiPL is supporting the applicant to fund equipment for bird boxes, nest cameras and advice on land management practices to benefit Barn Owls and Kestrels. The project will also involve school children and funding is also sought to provide schools with equipment for owl pellet dissection and identification. By engaging farmers to monitor their own boxes -through WiFi cameras and nest recording they aim to encourage wildlife-friendly farming in these key regions e.g., by making room on the farm for particular habitats for foraging birds.

Cornwall Council:

Town: Bodmin
Total Project Cost: £124, 779.54
FiPL Grant Awarded: £113, 097.98
Start Date: July 2024 | End Date: March 2025

This project will highlight the ecological and cultural heritage of Bodmin Moor while ensuring the economic viability of farming practices are balanced with archaeological and nature recovery priorities. FiPL has funded training workshops for farmers and land managers as well as funding scrub clearance works and no fence collars.

Cornwall Wildlife Trust:

Town: Multiple sites across West Penwith
Total Project Cost: £17, 000.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £9, 900.00
Start Date: July 2023 | End Date: September 2023

Landscape Recovery Farmer Facilitation – facilitating a Defra Landscape Recovery bid application for the Penwith Moors, working on behalf of farmers and landowners, in partnership with Farm Cornwall. The funding will support contracted consultant farm advisors to visit and discuss the proposal with farmers to build a collaborative funding application representing the needs of farmers as they adjust to the new SSSI designation.

Cornwall Wildlife Trust:

Town: Multiple sites across Cornwall
Total Project Cost: £177, 993.50
FiPL Grant Awarded: £138, 782.20
Start Date: November 2023 | End Date: August 2024

FiPL has provided funding to Cornwall Wildlife Trust to work with 20 farmers across eastern and central sections of Cornwall to develop bespoke Whole Farm Environment and Business plans to support farmers to deliver nature recovery projects on their farms. The proposal is to then follow up with a second phase FiPL application to fund activities eligible under FiPL funding to deliver these proposals.

Court Farm:

Town: Truro
Total Project Cost: £34, 357.40
FiPL Grant Awarded: £28, 357.40
Start Date: February 2024 | End Date: March 2025

The project involves the upgrade and improvements to a circular path at Court Farm which along with the planting of 15 hectares of new woodland will provide public access to a previously inaccessible part of the AONB and SSSI together with visitor signage, information boards, benches and bird hide.

Cotna Barton Farm:

Town: St Austell
Total Project Cost: £8, 414.94
FiPL Grant Awarded: £5, 961.02
Start Date: September 2023 | End Date: March 2025

Increasing biodiversity of hay meadow within experimental orchard trial and equipment to aid and inform guests and visitors to the site. Cutting of hay and grass removal between rows of Cornish traditional seedling apple and pear trees, part of trial to preserve historic varieties and find those suited to location and Cornish climate. Interpretation of this and other features on the holding for range of visitor groups and individuals. Provision of pond dipping and stream invertebrate assessment equipment

CREST (Cornwall Rural Education Skills Trust):

Town: Penzance (but reach across Cornwall)
Total Project Cost: £348, 750.72
FiPL Grant Awarded: £235, 010.88
Start Date: May 2023 | End Date: March 2025

This application has been put together by a new organisation, CREST, which formed as an offshoot of the Guild of Cornish Hedgers. The new organisation will work in partnership with the Guild to mutually uphold the quality and standard of the craft of Cornish Hedging and will focus specifically on training people in the craft and culture of Cornish Hedging. Some trainees will reach Guild standard, and others will learn about the craft and/or achieve Lantra accreditation. The project includes an ambitious programme of training courses and events to meet all interests in Cornish hedging and bring the next generation of Cornish hedgers into the craft.


Devon Wildlife Trust:

Town: Marsland
Total Project Cost: £5,340.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £4,900.00
Start Date: February 2022 | End Date: March 2022

FiPL helped fund the repair the cob walls and roof timbers of a small stone and cob building in the Marsland Nature Reserve which is an important roost site for a number of bat species.


No projects…yet!


Farm Cornwall:

Town: Penzance
Total Project Cost: £15, 070.50
FiPL Grant Awarded: £9, 670.50
Start Date: February 2024 | End Date: March 2024

Farm Cornwall is delivering a programme to farmers across Cornwall explaining how the funding and support for agriculture is changing. The programme also looks at farm business viability and the need to be precise in the application of inputs, and the need to look at the environmental benefits of using less routine veterinary medicines. The project aims to deliver 3 farm walk workshops which will further embed the learning from the indoor meetings and allow farmers to discuss and be self-critical of their own worming management plans. In addition, the project will deliver 4 farm walks for young farmers

Farming for Nature:

Town: Lizard
Total Project Cost: £6, 634.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £4, 999.38
Start Date: January 2023 | End Date: March 2023

FiPL is funding a project to support the Lizard Farm Cluster in achieving the targets of the Landscape Recovery Framework. This includes the production of a high quality film about regenerative farming as well as workshops and screenings about regenerative farming with a range of audiences including Young Farmers.

FWAG (Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group):

Town: North Cornwall
Total Project Cost: £12, 820.64
FiPL Grant Awarded: £12, 555.97
Start Date: March 2023 | End Date: April 2024

The project aims to implement land management strategies for endangered birds on 5 North Coast farms situated within 2 sections of the AONB. These farms have been involved in a bird survey project run by FWAG and volunteers in which an advisory report has been written with recommendations. The project will help to inform farmers that changes in land management on their farm can have a massive positive impact on wildlife.

Farm Wilder:

Town: Bodmin, West Penwith, The Lizard
Total Project Cost: £36, 540.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £27, 362.00
Start Date: March 2024 | End Date: March 2025

Farm Wilder have been funded to establish a producer group of 6-8 farms in 3 areas across the Protected Landscape. For each group, Farm Wilder will carry out farm regenerative plans, and provide logistical support to producers in regard to direct sales, and access to finishers, abattoirs etc.


Galowras Farm #1:

Town: St Austell
Total Project Cost: £23, 387.01
FiPL Grant Awarded: £23, 387.01
Start Date: September 2022 | End Date: March 2024

FiPL has funded an assessment of of-farm biomass from the farm hedges and woodland as well as fencing and the creation of a pond. The project seeks to establish improved management of historic hedgerows using traditional techniques e.g., coppicing and making use of timber generated. hedgerows will be protected by livestock by fencing and a new pond will be created to feed animal drinking troughs

Galowras Farm #2:

Town: St Austell
Total Project Cost: £6, 975.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £3, 487.50
Start Date: March 2023 | End Date: March 2022

Purchase of a flail to manage access and grassland habitats. Enabling targeted cutting of bracken, bramble and scrub for habitat management, access to hedges for future management e.g. coppicing and to maintain a clear and safe public footpath.

Galowras Farm #3:

Town: St Austell
Total Project Cost: £3, 045.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £3, 045.00
Start Date: December 2023 | End Date: January 2024

This project seeks to assess to establish the extent of the scheduled monument at Galowras Farm. Surveying will increase our
understanding of the monument and its historical importance. Establishing the extent and more precise location of the monument will facilitate correctly located fencing and allow improved future management. Management of the monument will be improved by
sympathetically positioned fencing, controlled stock grazing access and controlling bracken on the monument. The monument is
currently assessed as vulnerable and in declining condition

Godrevy Warren:

Town: Hayle
Total Project Cost: £18, 118.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £18, 118.00
Start Date: October 2022 | End Date: March 2024

FiPL funding has gone towards providing educational access at The Warren, Godrevy. The funding has gone towards a composting toilet as well as improved interpretation via QR codes and a website. This will allow a significant boost to the number and quality of educational visits that combine biodiversity, archaeology, and sense of place.

Goongillings Farm:

Town: Truro
Total Project Cost: £12, 441.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £12, 441.00
Start Date: August 2022 | End Date: March 2024

FiPL has funded compost toilet facilities for educational visit participants to Goongillings Farm. The funding will also go towards enhancing the populations of wildflower species and extending biodiversity across the farm.

You can stay on site at the farms accommodation.

Goonown Growers:

Town: St Agnes
Total Project Cost: £52, 215.30
FiPL Grant Awarded: £37, 142.21
Start Date: May 2023 | End Date: March 2024

Goonown Growers is a successful CIC in St Agnes growing and supplying organic produce to the local community through box schemes as well as welcoming and training over 35 local volunteers in sustainable horticulture. They are seeking funding for to build and equip a small community barn, this is to provide an all-weather, all-year round hub for volunteers where they would like to host courses and workshops in home composting, no-dig gardening and sustainability-related topics along with food cooking and growing. They want to bring more of the local community to the farm to learn from and enjoy the surroundings, and inspire them to return home with new skills, ideas and techniques for their home & garden

Gwealgues Farm:

Town: Helston
Total Project Cost: £5, 398.64
FiPL Grant Awarded: £3, 779.05
Start Date: January 2023 | End Date: January 2024

FiPL is funding a project to grow trees of local provenance from seed, cuttings and from grafting as they have identified a need for a local tree nursery to help propagate sufficient quality trees for planting at scale. Growing trees on their own nursery will improve biosecurity but also allow them to grow trees best genetically suited and able to thrive in the local climate. Their aim is to use these trees to create an orchard site to conserve the heritage of Cornish fruit trees and provide a safe space for the rural community to meet, share ideas and enjoy caring for the environment.

Gwealvellan Farm:

Town: Hayle
Total Project Cost: £58, 478.14
FiPL Grant Awarded: £32, 268.83
Start Date: September 2022 | End Date: March 2024

The FiPL funding contributed to the purchase of a of a disc harrow and seeder to help with the transition of deep ploughing cultivation to minimum tillage practices across this dairy farm and the contracting work they carry out locally. It also funded the establishment of herbal leys to reduce soil compaction and provide habitat to wildlife


HeLEN (Herbal Ley Establishment Network):

Town: Across Cornwall
Total Project Cost: £98, 760.76
FiPL Grant Awarded: £98, 760.76
Start Date: April 2024 | End Date: March 2025

This project will create community networks in 6 sections of the Protected Landscapes to address the major challenges of herbal ley establishment. The project will will work to ease the EIA application process as well as work with farmers to explore different methods and timings of sowing in order to get the best value.

The Lost Gardens of Heligan – Beaver Project:

Town: St Austell
Total Project Cost: £47,500.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £33,250.00
Start Date: June 2022 | End Date: March 2023

FiPL has helped fund the creation of an eleven hectare beaver enclosure, allowing managed public access to a restored wetland ecosystem.

The Lost Gardens of Heligan – Pigs in Clover:

Town: St Austell
Total Project Cost: £10, 453.80
FiPL Grant Awarded: £9, 754.20
Start Date: March 2024 | End Date: April 2024

The purpose of this project is to engage our visitors with regenerative farm practices which demonstrate how we can grow food in a way that diminishes the impact of agriculture while delivering a positive outcome for the environment, biodiversity and people. FiPL has funded an area for pigs in pasture which allows the public to explore and see demonstrations of how pigs can be kept without the need for soya-based feeds.

Heligan Mill:

Town: St Austell
Total Project Cost: £7, 614.47
FiPL Grant Awarded: £7, 614.47
Start Date: November 2022 | End Date: December 2023

The applicants live in an historic mill house which once ground grain for the surrounding farms. They are in the early stages of a new business to establish a market garden in the grounds to supply the local community with heritage veg and cut flowers. FiPL is providing funding towards fencing and planting of Cornish and South West fruit tree varieties as well as the restoration of a Cornish hedge and the creation of a wildlife scrape in a wetland area.

Higher Keigwin Farm:

Town: Morvah
Total Project Cost: £81, 041.68
FiPL Grant Awarded: £56, 652.64
Start Date: April 2023 | End Date: March 2024

FiPL is funding a collaborative application to build and equip a butchery and cold store on their land to serve the local conservation graziers and provide a focus for engagement activities around local food production and its’ links to the landscape.


Into Bodmin:

Town: Bodmin
Total Project Cost: £11, 705.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £9,500.00
Start Date: February 2024 | End Date: March 2024

FiPL is funding a pilot event with the intention to develop the idea of a larger project over 12 events, one in each section of the protected landscape, designed to connect the farming community, young farmers (and old) with the local community. This event will educate people about the role of farming in climate resilience and use art in the landscape to break down barriers. The events will raise
he profile of Cornwall National Landscape, the work of FiPL, bring in a Bee Mindful ethos with the use of the bench, and aims to ultimately decrease loneliness with the Farmer’s Choir, offering a lasting legacy in each section of the protected landscape.


No projects…yet!


Kynance Gate:

Town: Helston
Total Project Cost: £7, 032.50
FiPL Grant Awarded: £6, 032.50
Start Date: June 2024 | End Date: March 2025

The aim of this project is to publish the results of an excavation undertaken on the ancient settlement at Kynance Gate on the Lizard in the 1950s and 60s and enhance the presentation and interpretation of the site itself.


La Hayes:

Town: Bodmin
Total Project Cost: £21, 616.57
FiPL Grant Awarded: £16, 649.92
Start Date: October 2023 | End Date: November 2024

Farm access and education – creation of infrastructure for safe educational and community visits including toilet, hand wash, picnic benches and boot-wash facility. PPE and solitary bee observation hives for educational visits. Improvement along public footpath with educational signage. Owl boxes and off grid camera system to monitor the habitat and CCTV installed to calving box for educational purposes to allow broadcasting to classrooms for all four seasons of farming to be seen. Some replacement planting for the current small orchard

LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming):

Town: Across Cornwall
Total Project Cost: £50, 993.75
FiPL Grant Awarded: £49, 145.75
Start Date: January 2023 | End Date: March 2024

This project aims to promote opportunities for educational access to farms by delivering accredited training to farmers and helping them to build relationships with local schools. The project’s aim is to address the well-recognised barriers to both schools and farmers for taking up the opportunity to host on-farm visits (with a CS payment) to deliver equally well recognised and researched benefits to the recipients of such schemes to a number of Cornish farmers and school children who are living in one of the most deprived counties in the country.

Leyonne Farm:

Town: Fowey
Total Project Cost: £60,965.78
FiPL Grant Awarded: £60,965.78
Start Date: September 2021 | End Date: March 2024

FiPL has helped fund the transformation of a dairy unit into a landscape with increased tree canopy cover, greater biodiversity, enhanced capacity for carbon sequestration and introduce a range of additional environmental benefits across the farm.

Little Swing Gates:

Town: Lands End
Total Project Cost: £1, 414.50
FiPL Grant Awarded: £1, 124.40
Start Date: July 2024 | End Date: March 2025

Ecological survey designed to fully understand the present state and then determine the future opportunity for considerably improving this piece of land for the benefit of nature and the climate.


Town: Falmouth
Total Project Cost: £10, 966.51
FiPL Grant Awarded: £10, 056.00
Start Date: February 2024 | End Date: March 2025

This project has been funded to expand the range of opportunities at Loveland Community Field for wildlife, people and food production. These outcomes will be achieved through the equipment funded through FiPL. “Loveland” is a 9-acre community field in Penryn, where the local community manage the land for ecological food production, wildlife & community. Get involved!

Lower Tresmorn:

Town: Bude
Total Project Cost: 2,000.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £1,600.00
Start Date: April 2022 | End Date: March 2023

FiPL helped fund a robot to help manage scrub on the coastal strip near Crackington Haven.


Meadow Match Phase#1a:

Town: Across Cornwall
Total Project Cost: £53, 522.68
FiPL Grant Awarded: £39, 358.28
Start Date: June 2023 | End Date: March 2024

Phase 1 part A: is to manage and engage specialist wildlife surveying of potential donor and receptor sites and support volunteer groups to train and become specialised in practical meadow making. It will also support volunteer travel costs and PPE as well as contractor costs for harvesting seed and ground preparation for receptor sites.

Meadow Match Phase#1b:

Town: Helston
Total Project Cost: £144, 005.20
FiPL Grant Awarded: £100, 803.64
Start Date: June 2023 | End Date: March 2024

Phase 1 part B: consists of the capital equipment required to process and prepare seed mixes for use on the receptor sites. This hub will be established in section 8 of the AONB and will enable seeds to be cleaned, dried and sorted so that bespoke seed mixes can be created to match the diverse composition of Cornish hay meadows across Cornwall AONB.

Meadow Match Phase #2:

Town: The Lizard, South Coast Central & Bodmin Moor
Total Project Cost: £66, 590.95
FiPL Grant Awarded: £58, 410.65
Start Date: May 2024 | End Date: March 2025

Phase two focuses on the legacy of the project by creating and launching a replicable volunteer training program, creating engagement materials and exploring with partners future funding and business models.

Monumental Improvement:

Town: Various
Total Project Cost: £761, 061.25
FiPL Grant Awarded: £39, 451.25
Start Date: October 2022 | End Date: March 2024

FiPL funding has contributed to a large project of improving and maintaining the state of scheduled monuments across Cornwall. This particular project is supporting the maintenance, improvement and protection of three scheduled monuments at Castledore, Perranporth Airport and St Constantine’s Chapel.


Nanquidno Farm:

Town: Penzance
Total Project Cost: £10, 720.83
FiPL Grant Awarded: £9, 070.83
Start Date: July 2024 | End Date: March 2025

This project will reinstate traditional Steel Penwith gates and granite posts to improve the landscape. In addition, there will be a contribution towards a heavy-duty topper to manage encroachment of scrub across the farm, use of this machine will allow the continued improvement of these fields towards high quality diverse swards

National Trust:

Town: Various
Total Project Cost: £76,850.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £61,480.00
Start Date: October 2021 | End Date: March 2024

FiPL has helped fund an increase in the area of lowland meadow in Cornwall by creating new meadows and improving species diversity
of existing meadows linking habitats across 16 National Trust farms in the Cornwall AONB

National Trust:

Town: Looe
Total Project Cost: £16, 324.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £13, 08320
Start Date: October 2023 | End Date: March 2024

Habitat creation and soil health improvement in South East Cornwall. Purchase of a Khun Rotavator specifically adapted to deliver Bio-mulching and precision depth control. This new machine is part of wider plans to create flower rich meadows and to begin to develop woodland measures in our woodland creation projects. The rotavator will change how land is managed in arable rotation to reduce the level of tillage and to establish diverse grassland and cover crops which benefits soil health and can provide other wildlife benefits


Organic Research Centre:

Town: Across Cornwall
Total Project Cost: £9, 970.50
FiPL Grant Awarded: £9, 970.50
Start Date: January 2024 | End Date: March 2024

FiPL has funded a project which will be delivered in two phases with the following overall objectives; to support the transition to agroecological farming systems in Cornwall; to find a collaborative solution to distributing local agroecological produce in Cornwall, joining the dots between existing food hubs and supporting organisations; to reduce emissions, grower time and costs (which ultimately would be passed to consumer) and; to enhance production and access to local organic / agroecological produce.


Pasture for Life:

Town: Across Cornwall
Total Project Cost: £99, 143.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £99, 143.00
Start Date: November 2023 | End Date: March 2025

Building on existing PPPL projects, this project within Cornwall will deliver a wide-ranging 15-month programme of events, in person and online, for at least 50 farmers in Cornwall’s Nationally Protected Landscape, with the aim of getting them started on making changes to their grassland management and lower input costs, improve biodiversity and carbon outcomes and develop the social cohesion to move at greater pace with these changes.


Town: Helford
Total Project Cost: £10, 310.45
FiPL Grant Awarded: £9, 838.83
Start Date: July 2024 | End Date: March 2025

Diversification of 1.93 ha of grassland area to provide more flowering species for nature gain and pasture resilience. Creation of new permissive footpath and the creation of space for new and different habitats adjacent to the footpath.

Pendavey Farm

Town: Bodmin
Total Project Cost: £3, 606.18
FiPL Grant Awarded: £3, 606.18
Start Date: June 2023 | End Date: December 2023

FiPL is funding the enrichment of 2 grass meadows with green hay from an adjoining existing species diverse wildflower hay meadow plus fencing and a gate to keep out livestock and maintain the meadows.

Pendrift Farm:

Town: Bodmin
Total Project Cost: £31, 601.39
FiPL Grant Awarded: £28. 481.39
Start Date: July 2024 | End Date: March 2025

The management and control of the spring water will allow some containment and gravity feed to a string of cattle water troughs providing for better management and a more sustainable supply and long-term farm business. It is hoped that this project would provide improved freshwater habit for rare plants and invertebrates.

Penrose Estate:

Town: Helston
Total Project Cost: £4, 535.24
FiPL Grant Awarded: £3, 887.969
Start Date: July 2024 | End Date: March 2025

To secure the long-term success of lowland meadow habitat on this land, we are looking at installing grazing related infrastructure suitable for cattle and sheep to help with establishing the hay meadow. In addition, the seed processing barn is currently not rodent proof, so to enable secure, clean storage for seed, a shipping container is required.

Pigshill & Clarrick Woods:

Town: Torpoint
Total Project Cost: £11, 577.56
FiPL Grant Awarded: £9, 261.03
Start Date: check | End Date: check

FiPL has provided funding to support a volunteer scheme to develop the skills necessary to manage a young broad-leaved woodland for both wildlife and in order to support community access. In addition the project will restore two ponds and develop the use of a charcoal kiln enabling the coppice woodland to generate an income to fund the long term management. Get involved!


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Rame Conservation Trust:

Town: Maker Heights
Total Project Cost: £24, 668.78
FiPL Grant Awarded: £19, 967.24
Start Date: February 2023 | End Date: March 2024

The project seeks to better understand the historic landscape at Maker Heights and engage people through access and conservation activities. FiPL is helping to fund an archaeological survey, historic landscape appraisal and engagement activities. The reports produced will in turn help guide a 12-month programme of conservation volunteering to better manage the landscape for both historic and biodiversity value.

Rectory Farm:

Town: Bude
Total Project Cost: £22, 138.06
FiPL Grant Awarded: £20, 270.52
Start Date: September 2023 | End Date: June 2024

Establishment of new herbal leys, restoration of coastal grassland and protection of woodland and water course. Including scrub clearance and installation of fencing and water infrastructure to protect woodland and water courses.

Red River:

Town: Camborne
Total Project Cost: £10, 734.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £9, 970.18
Start Date: August 2023 | End Date: March 2024

Connecting the Red River – landowner engagement and landscape scale enhancement potential. The Red River forms the southern boundary of the Godrevy to Portreath section of the Cornwall AONB. Much of land in river corridor is owned by Cornwall Council, with the valley sides in private ownership and predominately under agricultural use. The project will engage a Farm and Environment Adviser to engage with landowners to discuss opportunities e.g. nature recovery/species conservation; natural flood risk resilience; river re-naturalisation; public access enhancements, access to nature and health lifestyles; to enhance environment for people and wildlife

Restronguet Barton Farm:

Town: Truro
Total Project Cost: £69, 142.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £39, 682.03
Start Date: October 2022 | End Date: March 2024

FiPL has helped to fund the purchase of equipment which will support the move to minimum tillage and precision fertiliser practice from the current traditional methods of deep ploughing. The project is also supporting the planting of herbal leys and trees.

The farm is also accessible for camping, weddings and holiday lets.

Ringford Farm:

Town: Bostcastle
Total Project Cost: £4,032.24
FiPL Grant Awarded: £4,032.24
Start Date: August 2022 | End Date: December 2023

FiPL is funding a project to manage species rich meadows. These meadows will become donor sites for seeds (particularly for yellow rattle and heath spotted orchids). The seeds will be collected by Devon Wildlife Trust which will also enable volunteers to learn more about meadows and seed harvesting. The meadows will also be managed so as to provide nesting sites for skylarks.

Rosuick Farm:

Town: Helston
Total Project Cost: £158,051.61
FiPL Grant Awarded: £137, 161.61
Start Date: October 2021 | End Date: March 2022

FiPL has helped fund the creation of new priority habitat on a landscape scale across the Lizard Peninsula that will enhance biodiversity and support a long-term sustainable nature friendly farming business.

Rosuick is open for farm visits, events & has accommodation on site.


Scadghill Farm:

Town: Bude
Total Project Cost: £29, 257.32
FiPL Grant Awarded: £9, 954.50
Start Date: May 2024 | End Date: March 2025

FiPL has funded the creation of a fully biological and regenerative Total Mixed Ration (TMR) using materials that would otherwise end up in landfill. As part of the funding, outreach has been funded to share the knowledge with other farmers.

Seaswept Farm:

Town: Penzance
Total Project Cost: £43, 908.41
FiPL Grant Awarded: £32, 628.66
Start Date: January 2023 | End Date: March 2024

FiPL has funded the instalment of 3 wildlife cameras which will be livestreamed to the Seaswept website providing additional educational access. Holistically, the project is also creating wooden seating for outside educational activities, planting native hedgerows and fruit trees, implementing regenerative farming techniques. Volunteer today!

Sunset Farm:

Town: St Just
Total Project Cost: £21,848.78
FiPL Grant Awarded: £20,440.59
Start Date: April 2022 | End Date: March 2024

FiPL helped fund machinery to help bracken and fire break control, herbal ley enhancements and interpretation panels for visitors to the ancient farmed landscape near St Just.


Treburthes Farm:

Town: Truro
Total Project Cost: £4, 771.66
FiPL Grant Awarded: £2, 808.33
Start Date: October 2022 | End Date: March 2023

FiPL funding has contributed to machinery and a charcoal kiln to enable another 20 hectares of woodland to be brought into coppice management & charcoal production.

Trefusis Estate:

Town: Falmouth
Total Project Cost: £52, 791.04
FiPL Grant Awarded: £37, 383.91
Start Date: January 2023 | End Date: December 2023

This is a combined application across three distinct businesses located on the Trefusis Estate. FiPL is funding a number of activities across the estate including, but not limited to; the establishment and management of species-rich grasslands, the establishment of a mob grazing regime, a hard standing yard area to allow for the processing of continuous cover forestry, the creation of drainage cut-offs and swales to mitigate run-off from rainfall and the creation of compost bays.

Tregaminion Fram:

Town: Penzance
Total Project Cost: £18, 500.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £12, 950.00
Start Date: February 2024 | End Date: March 2024

FiPL has funded a tractor drawn livestock trailer with hydraulic lifting axles complete with internal and external gates. This trailer will
support the primary business activity of conservation grazing which is a niche activity on niche / non-typical ground (e.g moorland not
improved grassland). This trailer will give the team the opportunity to work more efficiently and thus expand the enterprise to deliver
more better-quality grazing across the protected landscape.

Tregays Farm:

Town: Lerryn
Total Project Cost: £6, 498.39
FiPL Grant Awarded: £6, 498.39
Start Date: January 2023 | End Date: March 2023

The applicant want to fence off a small meadow for a wildlife haven, exclude the cattle from the stream, and turn it over to nature to become a wildflower meadow with occasional summer grazing to manage the vegetation. This area will provide important forage for bumblebees and other pollinating insects, together with birds, bats and wildlife. As well as fencing off the meadow, they want to plant a hedge to fill in gaps in an existing hedge line. This will provide greater connectivity and biodiversity.

Tregullas Farm #1:

Town: Helston
Total Project Cost: £4,500.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £4,500.00
Start Date: December 2022 | End Date: March 2023

The applicant farms the southernmost tip of the Lizard Point including an area of SSSI Maritime Grassland. FiPL has funded the payment of specialist contractors to clear dense patches of invasive plants (Hottentot Fig; Carpobrotus edulis and Jelly bean Sedum rubrotinctum), by pulling it from the cliffs – uprooting it – to be removed from site and composted. Volunteers will assist by tackling the accessible areas, and transporting the material cleared by the contractors to keep the costs down.

Tregullas Farm #2:

Town: Helston
Total Project Cost: £10, 260.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £9, 660.00
Start Date: August 2024 | End Date: March 2025

Through DEFRAs Access Fund FiPL have awarded Tregullas with funding to carry out an additional educational programme on the farm offering bespoke visits for schools. In addition, funding was granted to cover the transport costs which will allow schools with no access to transport and a small budget to still access the same education that other larger schools can.

Talons Care Farm:

Town: Looe
Total Project Cost: £9, 047.04
FiPL Grant Awarded: £8, 635.04
Start Date: November 2023 | End Date: March 2024

This is a care farm providing wellbeing benefits to adults and children. FiPL funding was used for the purchase of educational equipment, an accessibility ramp and a sanitation facility.

Trembothick Farm (In the Vellyn):

Town: Penzance
Total Project Cost: £21, 812.90
FiPL Grant Awarded: £16, 620.43
Start Date: September 2023 | End Date: March 2024

To provide educational visits to the farm for a range of audiences. A trained teacher has recently completed the CEVAS training and want to educate youngsters in particular about nature, conservation, sustainable farming, the Cornish landscape and all things environmental. Conversion of un-used farm building for education and wet weather area. Develop a farm walk and nature trail with insect hotels, bird boxes and interpretation boards along the route for stopping points for activities and discussion.

Trengwainton Farm:

Town: Penzance
Total Project Cost: £76, 135.29
FiPL Grant Awarded: £40, 799.64
Start Date: November 2022 | End Date: March 2024

FiPL has provided funding for a previous dairy farm to embrace a lower input, more extensive beef system with a focus on habitat management. A disc drill and cultivator will be used to move away from ploughing and reduce the number of passes required when reseeding leys and cover crops. 16ha of species rich grassland and 24ha of deep-rooted leys will be planted. It is hoped that after 2024 these areas will be expanded.

Tresibbet Farm:

Town: Bodmin
Total Project Cost: £253, 100.38
FiPL Grant Awarded: £46, 004.67
Start Date: May 2024 | End Date: March 2025

This project has been funded to address the condition and setting of two SAMs one of which will be removed from the Historic England’s Heritage at Risk Register. The funds will support archaeological and ecological surveys which will inform management plans and the delivery of practical works on the ground (bracken and scrub removal, targeted repairs, diverted access tracks, habitat
enhancement and future ELM options).

Tretharrup Farm #1:

Town: Helston
Total Project Cost: £4,262.50
FiPL Grant Awarded: £4,262.50
Start Date: January 2022 | End Date: March 2022

FiPL helped fund the creation of new hedgerows and enhance existing hedgerows across the farm to provide multiple environmental and landscape benefits.

Tretharrup Farm #2:

Town: Helston
Total Project Cost: £4,554.31
FiPL Grant Awarded: £4,554.31
Start Date: January 2023 | End Date: February 2023

FiPL is funding hedge planting to divide a larger field into smaller areas creating more habitat, food and shelter for farmland wildlife as well as enhancing the landscape character. In addition a small orchard will be created in the corner of the field fenced off by the new hedgerow

Treveddoe Farm:

Town: Bodmin
Total Project Cost: £1,693.21
FiPL Grant Awarded: £1,354.57
Start Date: January 2022 | End Date: March 2023

FiPL helped fund the introduction of native breed cattle and a ‘mob grazing’ system across the farm using a 100% pasture fed system and no artificial inputs with a view to helping to build a larger influence over the local area

Trevedra Farm:

Town: Penzance
Total Project Cost: £10, 475.30
FiPL Grant Awarded: £10, 475.30
Start Date: check | End Date: check

FiPL is funding works to facilitate increased and safer public access around the farm. The farm is estimated to educate around 15-20,000 people per year on farming and nature. The project will create a series of interpretation panels for visitors to read and will also provide a space for natural regeneration on the farm for wildlife habitats.

Treveor Farm:

Town: Gorran Haven
Total Project Cost: £58,750.00
FiPL Grant Awarded: £29, 375.00
Start Date: January 2022 | End Date: March 2023

FIPL has helped fund the conversion of farmland from conventional plough-based systems with full inversion tillage to a reduced tillage or minimum tillage system with a cultivator and seeder.

Trevescan Farm:

Town: Lands end
Total Project Cost: £1, 459.50
FiPL Grant Awarded: £1, 167.60
Start Date: July 2024 | End Date: March 2025

Ecological survey designed to fully understand the present state and then determine the future opportunity for considerably improving this piece of land for the benefit of nature and the climate.

Trewannion Farm:

Town: North Cornwall
Total Project Cost: £2, 384.40
FiPL Grant Awarded: £1, 669.08
Start Date: September 2023 | End Date: December 2024

Trialling tailored herbal ley seed mixes in 3 fields which will have benefits for soil health, biodiversity and drought resilience as well as reducing artificial inputs and increase resilience to climate change – before rolling out herbal leys more widely across the farm with other DEFRA funding support.

U – V

Veryan Allotments:

Town: Veryan
Total Project Cost: £20, 429.04
FiPL Grant Awarded: £9, 995.90
Start Date: August 2024 | End Date: Marc 2025

Funded through DEFRAs Access Fund, FiPL has provided funding towards a barn to act as a community meeting and educational space, gates, interpretation, footpaths, a composting area and raised beds in which the community can grow and share food. As part of the wider project, there is also a wetland creation area and community orchard.


West Cornwall Grassland Society:

Town: Camborne
Total Project Cost: £10, 341.40
FiPL Grant Awarded: £9, 203.85
Start Date: December 2023 | End Date: January 2024

FiPL is funding a conference which will consist of a series of panel discussions and key note speakers, local to or with first hand knowledge of the area who will cover a range of subject that are relevant to local farmers and landowners. these will include sessions on carbon sequestration, soil health, ELMS & SFI, Agrobiodiversity, Herbal Leys, Grazing Management, Business Management and Food Processing.

Widemouth Task Force:

Town: Widemouth
Total Project Cost: £3, 989.06
FiPL Grant Awarded: £3, 989.06
Start Date: April 2023 | End Date: March 2025

Working with the local community to deliver interventions to help build a biodiverse and ecological resilient dune and scrubland at Widemouth Bay


Town: Falmouth
Total Project Cost: £7, 812.68
FiPL Grant Awarded: £7, 119.28
Start Date: February 2024 | End Date: March 2025

Funding has been granted to fence off areas to control grazing and develop a woodland. In addition, a wetland area will be enhanced.

Working Woodlands:

Town: Across Cornwall
Total Project Cost: £54, 555.84
FiPL Grant Awarded: £44, 347.86
Start Date: March 2023 | End Date: February 2024

FiPL are funding the establishment of a permanent base from which Working Woodlands Cornwall CIC can provide advice, training and woodland management services to small woods owners and supply woodfuel to the local community derived from sustainably managed coppicing. Funding will support the erection of a barn, poly tunnels, forestry equipment, access track and hedging plants.

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