Penwith Landscape Partnership

Creating a resilient living, working Penwith landscape where farming prospers while protecting natural resources, restoring habitat connectivity and enhancing archaeological heritage.

West Penwith is a landscape that is loved, enjoyed and supported by local communities and visitors.


Penwith Landscape Partnership is a 5-year National Lottery Heritage Funded project to support landscape and communities in Section 07 Cornwall National Landscape.


To create a resilient living, working Penwith landscape where farming prospers while protecting natural resources, restoring habitat connectivity and enhancing archaeological heritate.

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Project Overview

Project Overview

The Penwith Landscape Partnership was formed in 2014 by a group of community organisations and individuals who came together with a shared aim to support the understanding, conservation and enhancement of the Penwith Landscape as a sustainable living, working landscape.

The partnership’s delivery phase finished in September 2023 with a legacy steering group forming to collaborate on future opportunities. The group consists of CASPN, Cornwall National Landscape, Cornwall Council, Cornwall Heritage Trust, Cornwall Wildlife Trust and The National Trust.

Projects in Penwith Landscape Partnership

Projects in Penwith Landscape Partnership

People & Communities

Focusing on our work with volunteers and the local community these included That’s Our Parish and Outstanding Penwith. Cornwall National Landscape part-funded these projects.

Access & Ancient Sites

Focusing on the many footpaths and ancient sites in Penwith these included At the End of the Land, Making Tracks and Ancient Penwith.

Economy, Farming & Wildlife

Focusing on working with and supporting the local farming community, and Penwith’s unique biodiversity these included Buildings in the Landscape, Farming Futures, Wild Penwith, Penwith Hedges, Up with the Downs.

Communication & Interpretation

Focusing on sharing information on Penwith’s landscape with the local community and visitors including Virtual Landscape Hub, Taking Names and Seeing the Landscape.

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Our Primary Purpose is to conserve and enhance Natural Beauty.

Our priority is to lead and support projects which deliver under these four key categories.

benefit to people


Working with 11 Parish Councils to develop a Local Landscape Character Assessment for their parishes throughout Penwith to help local people to gain an understanding, knowledge and appreciation of their local landscapes and what makes it so special.

benefit to place


The Penwith landscape contains hundreds of archaeological sites, ranging from ancient cairns to post-medieval farm buildings. During the course of the programme PLP worked on a number of these sites, helping to clear vegetation, survey and record these sites for history.

benefit to nature


The Penwith Landscape Partnership offered a range of information, training and support for farmers. Five of their thirteen projects focused specifically on farming, particularly supporting work that enhances the rich biodiversity of Penwith.

benefit to climate


The Cornwall Rural Education and Skills Trust, known as CREST, was founded in March 2023 in to address the need for training in the craft of Cornish hedging and raise awareness of the rich value of hedges for climate in the landscape.

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Project Detail

In 2014, a group of community organisations and individuals came together and agreed a vision for the Penwith landscape:

“a resilient living, working Penwith landscape where farming prospers while protecting natural resources, restoring habitat connectivity and enhancing the archaeological heritage; a landscape that is loved, enjoyed and supported by local communities and visitors”.


The Penwith Landscape Partnership Board was successful in getting a generous allocation of funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to develop several projects aimed at conserving and enhancing this unique landscape. A fully developed Landscape Conservation Action Plan was submitted to the National Lottery Heritage Fund in August 2017 and in December that year, the Partnership secured a grant of £2,529,100 to deliver the First and Last – Our Living Working Landscape scheme. Together with additional funding from Cornwall National Landscape and other sources, and the commitment and enthusiasm of many volunteers from the local community, this money was used to conserve, protect and enhance Penwith’s ancient farming landscape and field systems, its archaeology and natural environment for future generations.


Here are some of the activities made possible by the funding

Surveying and improving knowledge of the archaeology and ancient sites in Penwith

Improving access to the landscape through footpaths, bridleways and cycle routes, as well as creating links to public transport

Helping Parishes to survey and care for the heritage and wildlife within their areas

Improving the landscape for wildlife by working with farmers and landowners to promote good soil, nutrient and habitat management

Recording the value of Cornish hedges and ‘upskilling’ volunteers to repair and rebuild hedges

Researching historic place-names to discover what they can tell us about the landscape and the history of the area

Encouraging exploration of the landscape through the arts

Helping farmers and landowners find economic uses for redundant farm buildings and manage rough ground

Supporting the growth of efficient, resilient family-farm businesses through setting up monitor farms and discussion groups

Information for Researchers and Strategic Organisations
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