The Management Plan

A shared strategy for those who live, work and visit the Cornwall National Landscape. It provides guidance to help Government, statutory organisations and any public body to ensure they are fulfilling their Section 85* duty to ‘have regard to the purpose of conserving and enhancing the natural beauty’ of the protected landscape.

management plan cover

It's all part of the plan

The Cornwall National Landscape (AONB) Management Plan is an interactive document allowing you to either, read the whole plan, or navigate your way around the chapters. Here you’ll find everything you need to know about the protected landscape from how the organisation is set up to our policies, aims and objectives for the designation as a whole, and the 12 separate sections.

Read The Appendices

Creating the Cornwall National Landscape (AONB) Management Plan required additional information and research. In the appendices you'll be able to read more on requirements for agricultural buildings and major development in the protected landscape as well as the definition of the designation, influencing strategies and the process of creating the Management Plan.

>Read The Appendices

Additional Assessments & Screenings

As part of the process of creating the Management Plan we undertook a Habitats Regulations Assessment and a Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Report. Any resulting recommendations were actioned in the adopted Plan.


Section 01 Hartland Marsland to Menapoint Church

Listen in English

Listen in Cornish

Section 02 Pentire Point to Widemouth

Listen in English

Listen in Cornish

Section 03 Camel Estuary

Listen in English

Listen in Cornish

Section 04 Carnewas to Stepper Point

Listen in English

Listen in Cornish

Section 05 St Agnes

Listen in English

Listen in Cornish

Section 06 Godrevy to Portreath

Listen in English

Listen in Cornish

Section 07 West Penwith

Listen in English

Listen in Cornish

Section 08 South Coast Western

Section 09 South Coast Central

Section 10 South Coast Eastern

Section 11 Rame Head

Listen in English

Listen in Cornish

Section 12 Bodmin Moor

Listen in English

Listen in Cornish


Listen in English

Listen in Cornish

About Us


Case Studies

Climate Change: Building Resilience

Listen in English

Health & Wellbeing

Listen in English

Heritage & Culture

Listen in English

Landscape & Seascape Character

Listen in English

Nature Recovery

Listen in English

Planning & Development in Protected Landscapes

Listen in English

Responsible & Sustainable Access

Listen in English

Sustainable Communities & Economies

Listen in English

The Cornish Hedge

Woodland and Forestry

Previous versions of the Cornwall National Landscape (AONB) Management Plan

Management Plan 2011- 2016 Strategic Section


Management Plan 2011- 2016 Local Section


Management Plan 2016 - 2021 Action


Management Plan 2016 - 2021 Policy


Management Plan 2016 - 2021 Local

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