Our Supporters

Meet the dedicated businesses and individuals who are making a lasting impact on Cornwall's treasured landscapes and communities

These businesses have committed to supporting Cornwall's protected landscape

Our Gold supporters

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Classic Cottages

Classic Cottages

Classic Cottages are a Cornwall-based holiday letting agency, exclusively marketing idyllic holiday homes across the UK. Established in 1977, Classic have since expanded their portfolio from a few cottages in a…

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St Aubyn Estates

St Aubyn Estates

Home to people, small businesses, community activities, wildlife, and abundant nature. St Aubyn Estates encompasses agricultural land, woodland, wetland, moorland, coastline and beaches. There is a generational commitment from the…

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Why start from zero when you can hit the ground running? Tango3’s ‘Innovation for Hire’ is like dialing up the A-Team of the digital world. They love it when a…

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Invest in the protected landscape

By becoming a Business Supporter of Cornwall’s protected landscape, you elevate your corporate social responsibility profile through meaningful contributions to environmental conservation and community wellbeing. In return, enjoy heightened brand visibility across our various platforms and tap into our expert network for valuable insights in sustainable practices and community development.


Enhanced Corporate Responsibility

Reinforce your reputation locally as a socially responsible organisation, sending positive messages to your customers, staff, suppliers and the communities in which you operate.

Increased Brand Visibilty

Gain the attention of the other like-minded socially aware people and local influences. Share the benefits of the wider brand recognition and reputation.

Expert Network

By becoming a business supporter, you’ll gain access to an expert network of professionals in the fields of environmental conservation, community development, and sustainable business practices, providing valuable insights and opportunities for your company.

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Join us make a lasting impact on Cornwall's protected landscapes and local communities.

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Please use this space to tell us more about your business/ specific offer of support.
I agree to be contacted by the Cornwall National Landscape team on behalf of Cornwall AONB Trust

Donate to help us protect our Natural beauty

By becoming a Business Supporter of Cornwall’s protected landscape, you elevate your corporate social responsibility profile through meaningful contributions to environmental conservation and community wellbeing. In return, enjoy heightened brand visibility across our various platforms and tap into our expert network for valuable insights in sustainable practices and community development.

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