Have your say on tranquility
What does tranquillity mean to you? Cornwall National Landscape and Falmouth University are launching an online survey about people’s experiences of their time spent outside. We need your help to...
Sara Tipler
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Ecological surveys led by Land and Heritage are due to commence on Blisland Common and East Moor following an initial drop-in opportunity for Commoners and Landowners from these commons who would like to attend. These surveys aim to assess the habitat conditions, biodiversity, and opportunities for ecological enhancement. We are committed to a farmer-led approach, ensuring that landowners and commoners are actively involved in shaping the project hence the opportunity to voice concerns and feedback after hearing about the planned approach at a drop-in session prior to any on the ground works commencing.
This kick-off event is being scheduled for mid-October allow all stakeholders of Blisland and East Moor to meet the ecological survey team, raise any concerns, and ensure that the project aligns with local knowledge and priorities.
The survey results will inform optional future land management recommendations and align with the opportunity to engage in trials of virtual collars, aimed at experimenting with targeted grazing for heritage and ecological outcomes on common land.
Stay tuned for the results of the surveys…
Contact Land & Heritage: contact@landandheritage.com