Farming in Protected Landscapes

Farming in Protected Landscapes (FiPL) is a 4-year programme providing grant-funding for Farmers and Landowners designed to deliver for People, Place, Nature and Climate. The programme is funded by Defra and delivered by Cornwall National Landscape.

This project is running until March 2025.


FiPL is an innovative programme which allows farmers creative opportunities to do more for people, place, nature and climate on-farm.


FiPL is helping to address the climate and biodiversity crisis, improve people’s engagement with the landscape, and support sustainable farm businesses and communities.

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About FiPL Funding

About FiPL Funding

Applications to Cornwall National Landscape for FiPL funding are now closed to new applicants as the funding has all been allocated. If more funding becomes available in the future applications will re-open.

The FiPL programme focuses on the key challenges facing farmers, land managers and communities in Protected Landscapes. It is open to all farmers and land managers within the Cornwall National Landscape.

All applicants for the funding must have been managing all the land in the application and have control of the activities you’d like to undertake, or you must have written consent from all parties who have this management and control.

Other organisations and individuals were also welcomed to apply, as long as they do this in collaboration with a farmer or land manager, or in support of a farmer or group of farmers.

Common land was eligible for support through the programme. Applications were made as either a landowner with sole rights, or as a group of commoners acting together.

The programme is aimed at land within the 12 Sections of Cornwall National Landscape, recognising its special value. Applications which include land outside the protected landscape boundaries may be considered where project activity is on land close to the protected landscape and can be shown to bring benefit to the protected landscape itself.

Project Detail

Farming in Protected Landscapes (FiPL) will work alongside – not in competition with – existing schemes and add value where it is most needed. If activities can be delivered through existing schemes, then this approach will be encouraged.


Over the longer term, we envisage the Sustainable Farming Incentive, the Local Nature Recovery scheme and the Landscape Recovery scheme playing a significant role across these landscapes, with farmers who lead on FiPL projects taking part in one of these schemes.

Applications for over £10,000 will be judged by the Cornwall National Landscape Partnership Local Assessment Panel, made up of 8 to 12 people. It will include representatives from the Cornwall National Landscape Partnership, Natural England, representatives from the farming and land management community, and other specialists.

Applications for less than £10,000 will be decided upon by a senior member of the Partnership team who has had no direct involvement with the application.

Visit Government website for more information.

Click on the FiPL Infographic below to explore it in more detail…

Case Studies

Case study

This is the description of the case study.

Value of project £158, 051.61

FiPL funding awarded £137,161.61

Area of project c. initially 15 hectares with ambitions to grow to 430 hectares

To manage and create new priority habitat on a landscape scale across the Lizard Peninsula that will enhance biodiversity and support a long-term sustainable nature friendly farming business.

Value of project £106,405.87

FiPL funding awarded £100,932.99

Area of project c. 92 hectares

To catalyse the transformation of species poor permanent pasture into native woodland and species rich grassland creating a naturalistic landscape using permaculture and rewilding approaches.

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