Monuments Matter to People

An exciting project which offered residents of Torpoint, Saltash and Liskeard the opportunity to join a free, varied volunteer programme at Maker Heights, Rame Head.

Giving the opportunity for 31 residents to take their first steps to getting back to work with a free, varied educational programme at Maker Heights, Rame Head.


The project is gave participants a chance to build confidence, gain conservation and heritage skills and contribute to the vital task of protecting and maintaining Scheduled Monuments.


Conserving Cornish landscapes whilst gaining education, training and life skills, improving health and wellbeing and making long-lasting connections to people and places.

Project Overview

Project Overview

Monuments Matter formed part of the Cornwall National Landscape’s wider Monumental Improvement project which is aiming to help stabilise 40 scheduled monuments selected which are sites of national archaeological importance. The project took place at Maker Heights, Rame Head and provided a range of courses and skills. Participants got to develop habitat management and wildlife recording skills. Undertake conservation training with a qualified archaeologist. Joined workshops from the Sarmatians on mental health and wellbeing and improving listening skills and had opportunities to help preserve historic scheduled monuments.

They all gained more knowledge of their local protected landscape, Section 11 Rame Head Cornwall National Landscape. PPE was made available as well as additional support for transport and access.

Aims - Goals & Objectives

Aims – Goals & Objectives

The project is giving participants a chance to build confidence, gain conservation and heritage skills and contribute to the vital task of protecting and maintaining the Scheduled Monuments of Maker Heights.


Gaining education, training and life skills


Improving health and wellbeing


Making long-lasting connections to people and places

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Our Primary Purpose is to conserve and enhance Natural Beauty.

Our priority is to lead and support projects which deliver under these four key categories.

benefit to people


People are better connected to heritage improving health and wellbeing.

benefit to place


Conservation of scheduled monuments in the protected landscape.

benefit to nature


Nature is better monitored and pollinator habitat improved.

benefit to climate


Improved habitat and new habitat created will improve soil and enable greater carbon storage and sequestration.

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Funders & Partners

This project is being funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), with the support of Community Led Local Development. This project is also supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund in connection with Cornwall National Landscape’s Monumental Improvement Project.

Our Partners include:

  1. Adult Education
  2. Rame Conservation Trust
  3. Samaritans
  4. Cornwall Archaeological Unit

To be eligible for a place on this course participants needed to be aged 18 or above, currently unemployed or inactive, have the Right to Work in the UK and live in one of the key catchment postcodes in Torpoint, Saltash or Liskeard.


Monuments Matter participants and volunteers have been helping the Rame Conservation Trust enhance the biodiversity of Maker Heights and have visited Pigshill and Clarrick Woods on a tree identification session, and Mount Edgcumbe Country Park to learn about our native Black Bees.

I never really get out, especially not during Covid, I definitely think that not being able to get out much has made people isolated but coming here and doing something meaningful has really helped me with that.

Archaeological Survey Workshop: This session was run by a qualified Archaeologist from Cornwall Archaeological Unit, and gave participants the opportunity to learn how to survey Scheduled Monuments!

I’m a full-time mum and a carer, so this course is pretty much the only time I get to do something for myself.

Monuments Matter MtEdgecumbe Walk

Guided Walks: Fantastic walks around the local area, providing us with outstanding health benefits!

It’s nice to learn about the history here, sometimes it’s just simple and little things here and there, but you always remember them.

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